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Throw chunks of food on the ground, the first animal to reach it is ants. This is true in most of the mainland where there are ants. In terms of the number of individuals and biomass (weight), fleet ants dominate nearly all terrestrial habitats in the world. Day or night, the army ants vigorously...

What the heck, special a kiss? Why do people in the West often kissing, and very expressive in doing so? And, although many say that kissing is part of "Western culture", but yet until now the West still often discuss the kiss. In fact, of the fundamental issues such as how a good kiss.
You think...

At the temple we often see a kiswa (cloth / black duvet cover Ka'bah). The purpose of the installation of the fabric it is to protect the temple wall of dirt, dust, and heat can make it become corrupted. In addition it also serves as a decoration kiswah Ka'bah.
Historically, the Kaaba has been given...

You're bored with the current design of the bedroom? Maybe it's time you need to replace your mattress with a futon mattress as unique as strange photo below:
1. Unique Mattress Sandwich
2. Unique mattress Hamburger
3. Unique mattress Geese
4. Unique mattress of Rattan

Most women admire men of course.
But some research suggests that in fact she has some amazing advantages compared with men. This is summarized Cosmopolitan, and the following results:
1. Women evolved to be more beautiful.
A study showed that women evolved to be more beautiful, while men are so-so...