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10 Unique Facts About Kissing
What the heck, special a kiss? Why do people in the West often kissing, and very expressive in doing so? And, although many say that kissing is part of "Western culture", but yet until now the West still often discuss the kiss. In fact, of the fundamental issues such as how a good kiss.
You think you've got enough knowledge about kissing? Wait a minute, please read the unique facts about kissing, as summarized by Laura Schaefer, author of Man with Farm Seeks Woman with Tractor: The Best and Worst Personal Ads of All Time.
1. How to position a cool kiss? You are yet to find the right position, it may be taking inspiration from this fact: Two out of every three couples cocked his head to the right when kissing.
2. We kissed using a facial muscle, orbicularis oris, which serves to move the lips to kiss. A very light use only two muscles. But when you launch a passionate kiss, you use all 34 muscles of the face. So, frequently kissing your face so tight.
3. Just like fingerprints or snowflakes, no two lip-like traces.
4. Making out both to heal the pain. Research shows that the activity of kissing can improve skin firmness, helps blood circulation, prevents tooth decay, and even expel a headache.
5. The average person spends 336 hours of his whole life to kiss. I do not know how long time it used to kiss every day. Own endurance record held by couples kissing Rich Langley and Louisa Almedovar, capable of kissing for 30 hours and 59 minutes.
6. Some people love to write the letter "X" as a sign of a kiss, which is usually listed at the end of the letter. The letter "X" was started in the Middle Ages, when people were unable to read using the "X" as a signature. They then kiss this mark as a sign of sincerity. Finally, the "X" was then considered to represent the kiss itself.
7. Need adrenaline activities? Kissing alone. This activity of neurotransmitter release in the brain, which also occurs when we take action with the thrilling skydiving, bungee jumping, or running.
8. When he admitted to having sex with five women, that means he actually just made love with two women. Conversely, women who claimed to have only ever had sex with two men, in fact he had sex with five men. So many people used to say. I do not know what he would say if he knew that the average woman kissing 29 men before she married.
9. Men who kiss their partners before leaving office on average have higher incomes than those who do not. Come on, start now sweet talk your partner before he hurried off!
10. Hollywood movies featuring lots of passionate kissing scene. Longest ever kiss in movie history was between Jane Wyman and Regis Tommey in the movie You're in the Army Now (1941). They kiss lasted 3 minutes and 5 seconds. Does it include to be repeated during take by take, or at rehearsal, huh?
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